


By:Ibrahim J.Nzunda
God, you gave us birth for and with a specific purpose, and that purpose made us necessary under this environment and this time. God thanks that you have done a lot of things about us until now, and you still do. The fact that we are still alive, is a proof that there is something each one must do which is undone yet.
Also this means that satan has no power over us because you are with us God. God, you took us from our poor families, you passed us through different schools and environments so that we could be able to learn something necessary for us to do what we were born to do.
God you planed for us to be at this university and at this time, and you planned the people who we could meet and live with them now. God thanks that you have given us the great chance for us to live in this “university environment”. This is a place that you have given us access to almost all things that we admired to have and experience in our life.
God this is a place where you have given us different Professors, doctors, those with masters, those with degree, you have given us the chance to associate with people from all levels and status, from those with certificates, diploma, our fellow fresh from school and those called in-service. The people with different experience of life.
You have given us women and men of different behaviors. You have given us the place surrounded by laptops/computers, phones, internet and great east and central African scientific library. God, I know that you have given us the chance to have university education so that we can have universal exposure of our minds.
God help us so that we can know and understand the real potential of this environment and use them effectively o-Lord. God, help us that we can use this environment to positively transform our minds. Help us Lord so that we can use this “Ideal-like environment” to come up with great ideas, great vision, and magnificent plans of our total lifetime.
Because this is the place where for 3 years we will be out of pressures of life and social responsibility. Because this is place where we are completely free from different kinds of responsibilities from our homes and societies.
God, Help us so that we could not miss this 3 years university life time opportunity. Because there can be no any other place that we can have the chance to think, imagine, dream big, to create big visions of our life than this environment o –Lord.
God, you didn’t create us so that we could die poor, that’s why you give everyone big dreams. God help us to recognize our dreams so that we can convert them into visions and pursue them in our life.
God, I have found that many of us we are slaves of time. We have found ourselves being managed by time instead of managing our time. “I don’t have time” mentality makes us suspend the today and postpones the future. God people don’t have time to do things that they were born
to do. But they have time to do things that they have been told to do. God help us so we can know that everyone has 24 hours a day (the rich and the poor). Let us know that we only don’t have time when we think that we don’t have time.
God I pray that “We should always have time to do things that we were born to do” and we shouldn’t have time to do things that we were not designed to do. Because we will always malfunction when we work out of our design.
God I pray that no matter how busy this university is… Help us so that we must have time to create visions, imagine, create bid ideas and plan for our future. God help us so that we go back home with a lot of ideas in our minds and not with lot of books/hand-outs in our minds.
God, mostly, we were born and live in the environment dominated by poor people, therefore; we have been living with the people who their mindset is poor (the poor minded people).
Help us o-Lord that the education that we are getting must help us to successful transform our minds from living like we are poor, thinking like a poor person, acting like a poor one and continue believing that we are poor.
Help us in order to start thinking like we are rich (successfully right (having a lot of money doesn’t mean that we are successful)), believing that we are not poor, living and acting like we are not poor. Because we cannot have good life from corrupted mind. This education must help us to remove this “I CAN’T” ideology/mindset.
God, because of poverty, our parents have been telling us to study hard so that we can help our families. But God, that is not good advice, Help us so that we could not study “hard”, but we must study “effectively”.
God helps us so that we can be able to help our nation and not only our family. Because you have deposited too much in us enough to help and change the entire world. Therefore we were not born to help only our family, but more than that.
God let this education be used to convert our mindset from being Personal-wide and family-wide thinkers to national-wide and global thinkers. God, I can see most of us spend more than 17 years (some 2 decades) of being at school and we still don’t know what to do. We don’t know our abilities and gifts. We spend so many years to simplify and prove how easily we can be employed instead of spending all this years trying to discover our purpose, visions, abilities, gifts, and use this education so that under your help o lord, we can be busy and easily fulfilling our purpose, visions and plans.
God, let this nation be filled with visionary people and not ambitious people (the people with desire for personal gain). God, many of us are still young, God help us and be with us so that we can use effectively this gift… the gift of “ujana”.
God use your power so that all young can remember you in the days of their youth so that we can be able to use our time effectively. God through Holy Spirit, pass through our minds and
remove this “am still young mentality” because many people use this mindset to stay and do nothing when they are young. And suddenly they find themselves growing old and have done nothing.
God, this mentality is dangerous because this loss cannot be recovered and when we are old will not have enough passion and energy to pursue our purpose, visions and plans. God help us.
God I know that you love us very much. And through you o Lord, you brought forth Jesus Christ, and through Him, No any sin or curse has the power over those who have accepted and received Him us our savior. God, you are the all-mighty. God, remove every bad inheritance and curses in us o Lord.
God we are found in the “third world nations” so we are grown surrounded by “third world minds”. This is a place where many people have no vision for their life. That why it is said that “in Africa there is no time” because if we don’t know where are we going…any speed is right for us. Even 0 m/s speed is okay. And since we don’t know where we are going, we don’t know what kinds materials are needed for our mind. We don’t know what kinds of books to read, news to listen and watch, and magazines to buy.
God You see yourself that this third world nations have almost the same problems. But several decades has passed, we still think and act the same and expect different results.
God, Decades has passed, but because of our lack visions and under-estimation of our potentials you have placed inside us, we have made very little or no progress at all. God help us so that this education can be the most powerful tool to open our minds and start thinking differently.
God we came here with a lot of “it is impossible” but help us o-lord so that we could finish this with a lot of “it is possible” in our minds. Let this education help us to know that under your presence, everything is possible. Because you are the God of all potential-Omnipotent.
God, to ensure efficiency of our works, and since only you God knows how effectively the works can be done. And since we were born with a lot to do on this earth, therefore; let this quote be taken by every reader of this prayers = “ WE WERE BORN WITH A LOT TO DO, THEREFORE WE NEED TO INVEST A LOT OF TIME TO SPEND WITH GOD”
God help us that all this education can lead us to seek first your presence in our life (your kingdom) and you right choices for us (righteousness) so that that everything we need can be added (magnetized) to us. God, I know that this is important because everything we do out of your presence…becomes perishable and meaningless/vanity.
Let your will be done in us God. God, thank you for everything you do for us. Let your name be praised. God receive our prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit we pray, AMEN.

Written by NZUNDA Ibrahim J,

With the help of Holy Spirit.

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