

By:Ibrahim J.Nzunda

Dear Friends,
It is true that we are found in the “third world nations” so we are grown surrounded by “third world minds”. This is a place where many people have no vision for their life. That why it is said that “in Africa there is no time” because if we don’t know where are we going…any speed is right for us. Even 0 m/s speed is okay. And since most don’t know where they are going, they don’t know what kinds materials are needed for their minds. We don’t know what kinds of books to read, news to listen and watch, and magazines to buy. That’s why it is said “if you want to hide a message to Africans, put it in books/writings”.

It is true that most third world nations adopted colonial educational system. The educational system that was specifically designed to educate some people so that they could help them to run their colonies. Julius Nyerere and Nelson Mandela were among the first to recognize this and they took the same education but they changed it to they own purposes. But some entered into a trap of this educational system, and became biggest native supporters of colonialists. No any syllabus was designed to help the one who study through it. It was designed to help the one who designed it. Therefore unless we define why we are studying, we will enter into the trap. “Any education that induces slave mentality to man, is not education at all. But is an attack to the mind of that man”

Our today’s education mostly is specifically designed to make people “educated but still dependents”. Most people in third world spend more than 17 years (some 2 decades) of being at school and they still don’t know what to do. We don’t know our abilities and gifts. We spend so many years to simplify and prove how easily we can be employed and work for others instead of working with them. 

That’s why un-employment problem increases every year to almost all third world nations. If the one with degree and the one masters expect to be employed, also if those with certificates and diploma wants to be employed, then who will employ others? You can see that we are creating a bomb. I know it is difficult to believe this because we have spent all these years to focus on one thing… to be employed.

Decades has passed, but because of lack visions and under-estimation of our potentials that are available inside us, we have made very little or no progress at all. Because of poverty, our parents have been telling us to study hard so that we can help our families. But this is not good advice because it creates people who will want to be even president of nation so that they could help their families but not their nation. 

That’s why we have people who steal al lot money and hide them to secrete accounts so that their families can be able to use them even for 100 years without working. My friend, your mind is so powerful enough to help your country, your continent and even the entire world. Sometimes we are making God ashamed of us because we are running contrary to the way He designed us to function.

Most leaders of third world are poor in their minds just as their followers. Here is the key …“The luxury is first for the poor mind. But for the rich, investment is first”. Both the poor and the rich likes to have luxury things, but the one with rich mind will invest first and buy his luxury from his investment profit. But the one with poor mind will use investing money to buy luxuries so that he could be seen as rich although even in reality he is not. Now look at your country and look at the cars for leaders and overall government expenditures. Look at your MPs. How can a blind lead another blind?

For decades will still sing “I don’t have capital” song. We forgot that even this developed nations was once having no capital. We as nations, we don’t need capital to do great things. But we need ideas on how to get that capital. Everything we see was once an idea in someone’s mind. Look at the cloth you are wearing… it was once an idea in someone’s mind. Most of all poor nations are blessed with almost all resources necessary to defeat poverty. But we still have done nothing. My friend we are poor not because we lack things. But we are poor because of our minds. Nothing changes until our minds change, because we cannot live beyond our belief system.

Be the one. The one who see things differently. The one with high passion in your life to fulfill your vision. The one who your mind has the power even to change the world. The one who pushes the human race forward. The one who don’t spend too much time protecting life, but the one who spend a lot of time living and enjoying life. The one who thinks differently. The one who places his/her mind in the group of very few top great human minds. 

You were born with a lot to do in such a way that if you do all of them they can form a museum. Therefore, you are a walking museum of potential. Much respect to Solomon Mahalangu, J.K. Nyerere and Nelson Mandela. We have a lot to learn from them. Support this work. 

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